Ready to be heard at your next IEP meeting?

The IEP Process Step-By-Step Guide lets you know what's coming next in the IEP process so you can have a more active role!


Here's What You Get in the IEP Process Step-By-Step Guide!

  • A step-by-step timeline of an annual review//yearly IEP meeting
  • Finally see where is most effective to share your parent input in the process!
  • You will love the easy to read, easy to follow step-by-step format!
  • You will be amazed with how this step-by-step guide calms your nerves of what's coming next!

I can't wait to see you feel heard by your IEP team this year!

In my years of attending 80+ IEP meetings per year as an occupational therapist, I saw parents equipped with knowledge of the process get a better quality, highly effective IEP for their child.

I'm so excited you are here, as you are taking the first step towards becoming that knowledgeable advocate your child needs! I can't wait to see how this helps you learn and grow in your advocacy role!

Talk soon!

-Beth Liesenfeld, MOT, OTR/L

The IEP Lab

Don't let another minute pass without knowing how the process should go...

...and when you should share your parent input! Download the IEP Process Step-By-Step Guide today!